Creating a Business Website

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WARNING:  By skipping this article, you could potentially miss out on one of the most revolutionary web hosting tools on the Internet today. 

This is not some article I copied off someone else's website.  I wrote this from my own personal experience with a tool that has changed the way people are creating web pages and making money online.

It's called Site Build It (SBI).

If you're looking to make full or even part-time money with a web site by either selling goods or offering some type of service to the public, but are not really sure where or how to start, below is the solution for anyone looking to create a business website...especially if you are new to web site creation and promotion.

Even if you're not sure of the topic of your site or how you plan to make money, I encourage you to keep reading because you are going to see some examples of everyday people making good money using the simplest web based tool ever created. 

You'll also get to read comments made on a message board from people that own SBI.

If this solution had been around back in 1998, I wouldn't have experienced such trials when I tried to create my first web business.

You don't have to make the same mistakes I did because now I am about to equip you with the knowledge to create a successful web business. 

And the good part is, you don't have to know a thing about programming or web site creation.  All you need is this easy-to-use tool.

I will say that as a proud customer, if you do not use SBI to create your business website, you could end up wasting a tremendous amount of time and money as I did years ago.

How Does SBI Work?

Site Build It's 'all-in-one' suite of tools allow you to quickly and easily create web pages that will score high with all of the popular search engines.  You will be able to plan, create, and market your business website all with this one program.

It's perfect for starting up an at-home businesses, making money from affiliate programs, selling products, e-goods, you name it.  Later, you'll see the many different ways people are making money on the web with SBI.

The entire product is browser-based so it runs right from your PC.  There's no HTML programming to learn, files to upload or software to buy.  If you can use a mouse and type, then that's all the skills you'll need to operate the program.  All the backend and technical work is done for you.

Site Build It registers your domain (dot com) name for you so there's no need to go to a separate web site to take care of that.  Everything is done in one place.

You don't need any FTP or uploading software to save your pages, you simply hit the "Save" button to publish your work instantly.

It even comes with a brainstorming tool that will help you pick the most profitable domain (dot com) name.

Notice that I said the most PROFITABLE domain name.  

You may not even know that the domain name you choose can have a significant impact on the amount and quality of search engine traffic you'll receive. 

This is what starts to separate SBI from anything else out there.  No other company or domain registrar is going to help you choose the right name.  They just want your business, and once you've purchased your domain name, they send you on your way.

Before you register just any domain name, you really need to know what people are searching for on the Internet and how much competition your potential web site will have.  Most people don't even realize the significant impact one simple domain name can have. 

A good name could result in thousands of additional free visitors per month. That's why Site Build It carefully guides you through this step and makes sure you do it right the first time.

No other web site creation tool can do what I'm about to show you.

The Brainstorming Tool

In my opinion, this is the most valuable feature and what sold me on SBI when I bought it in 2003.

Let's say you're a personal trainer and you want to make money with a fitness web site.  You don't have a product to sell but you decide to make money by joining an affiliate program.

An affiliate program is where company ABC pays you for any referrals you make from your web site.  So for example, you create an information web site about fitness with various articles about exercising, weight training, etc. and throughout the site, you suggest fitness-related books from to your visitors by simply linking to Amazon's site.

Every time someone purchases a book from, you earn a commission from them.  Amazon keeps records of all your sales and at the end of the period, Amazon sends you a check for every sale that was generated as result of your link (they have software to track this).

Most affiliate programs are free and a great way to make money on the internet, especially if you don't have a product or service to sell.  There are thousands of affiliate programs out there on almost any topic.

Now, getting back to our example . . . 

You've decided to brainstorm on some topics you know a lot about and keyword phrases you'd like to rank high for in the search engines.  

Ranking high in the search engines is going to be VERY important for you because you can receive tons and tons of free traffic to your web site just from Google alone.  The search engines will probably be your #1 traffic source because it's free and targeted.

So you enter the search engine keywords you want to target into Site Build It's brainstorming tool. After typing in the keywords, SBI gives each phrase a demand, supply, and profitability value.  See below:

I repeat...  No other software, website tool, or web host out there can do anything close to what you're seeing above.

The demand column gives you an idea of how many times that phrase is searched for on the Internet in a given month*.  The supply gives you a rough estimate of how many web sites out there are targeting those particular keywords.

So the demand represents potential customers and the supply represents your competition (a rough estimate of the number of web sites on that topic).

In other words, you want to try to capitalize on keyword phrases with high demand and low supply.

In the screenshot above, "abdominal exercise" and "atkins diet" have the highest "profitability" in relation to the other phrases entered. 

This means there are a lot of people searching for these phrases (high demand), but there are not as many web sites available that appear to target these words (low supply) compared to keywords like "exercise" and "diet books" which have the lower profitability of 4.8 and 3.8 respectively.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: These totals do not represent the total number of times these keyword phrases were searched for throughout the entire internet.  These stats come from searches done on one search engine over a given month.  However, this still gives you a good idea of how popular certain phrases are in relation to others.

In the example above, Site Build It is suggesting that you'd have less competition if you tried to capitalize on the phrase "abdominal exercise" than you would with "fitness program".

You'll be surprised at what you'll learn after using the brainstorming tool.  And you can do as many keyword searches as you wish to determine the best phrase to capitalize on.

After you have found a profitable topic to zero in on, Site Build It will display all available domain names that include your profitable keyword phrases.  Next, you choose the domain name you want for your site and SBI will register it for you.


You always want to make sure you choose a domain name that includes the keywords you want to target because Google, for example, looks at the words inside the links when other sites link to you to help determine your rank for certain keyword phrases.  

But I don't have to tell you this because Site Build It will guide you and make sure you select the right name before you commit to anything.

So let's say you choose "" for your domain name. Most people will link to your site using your domain name. 

Google will see that X amount of sites are using those keywords when they link to you so you'll score higher for that particular phrase.

A lot of people think that including your keywords inside the title and content on your web page is the best way to get to the top of Google.  Title and content is important, but the #1 thing that helps your rank with sites like Google is the inward links. 

That's why you want your targeted keywords in the domain name.

See how important the brainstorming tool is to you?

You would have NEVER been able to find out the most profitable domain name without it.  And what's even worse, you could end up choosing the wrong domain name.

You need to maximize your revenue potential from the very beginning, and it all starts with choosing the best domain name.

Another Reason You Need Site Build It

The following is an absolute fact . . .

The number one reason people fail with their online business is because they don't understand how to acquire enough traffic to generate any sales.

Let's face it.  Anyone can get a web site these days.  Prices are cheap, user-friendly software is available and there are tons of companies offering to help you build your first site.

The problem with most of these companies is that they don't help you promote your site.  They don't explain the process of listing and ranking high with Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL...much less help you get listed.

Sure, they provide the technical support to get your web site live on the Internet, but its not in their interest or business model to show you exactly what you need to do to effectively get real traffic to your site.

They don't tell you how to choose the best domain name and show you which keywords are "more profitable." This is CRUCIAL if you want to succeed with any business. 

Site Build It is the only tool that I know of that will do all this for you.  Again, you're getting the technical and marketing support all in one package.

There are tons...and I really DO mean tons of web hosters out there, from the popular sites like Yahoo to the little known sites that not many have heard of. 

But I guarantee you that N-O-N-E of these web hosts will offer you the kind of step-by-step help that Site Build It will when you're building your site.  If you find one that even comes close to what I've described, kindly email me because I want to know.

More Features You Won't Find Anywhere Else

What impressed me even more about SBI is how easy the interface is to use.  Adding and creating a web page for your site is no more difficult than typing a letter to grandma in Microsoft Word.  Even adding images is a snap if you want to jazz up your pages.

And the problem.  Just choose from a variety of web site templates and VOILA...all you need to add is the text.  They are also adding new templates all the time.

Submitting to the Search Engines

Once your site is up and running SBI automatically submits all of your web pages to the major search engines and then tells you when it's time to submit again.  It monitors your submissions and tells you when your site has been listed and indexed.  

Here's a screenshot I took from my SBI web site.  As you can see, it tells you when your site was listed with the popular search engines. 

Site Build It Search Engine Report

And let me not forget to mention that 51% of SBI customers fall within the top most popular sites on the Internet thanks to its brilliant search engine ranking module that helps you get to the top of popular engines like Google, AltaVista, MSN, and more.

I'm going to stop here. I could sit here and type all day about how useful the tool is, but this article is just empty words on your PC screen until you actually see it in action. 

Don't just take my word for it. I want you to see for yourself.

Hopefully you understand that this is really the only way to create a business web site.  If you try to start your business without SBI, you might as well be wearing a blindfold because this program forces you to do the research BEFORE you begin so you don't make the common critical mistakes in the very beginning -- like choosing the wrong domain name.

I'm going to send you to the SBI website in a sec, but first I want you to take a look at this case study web site that was developed just to showcase how beginners are making money with their own SBI web sites.  Hopefully it will inspire you, and more importantly see the different ways people are using this awesome tool.

Take your time. Read each example thoroughly.  Make sure you visit the websites.  As you'll see in a second, I'm not the only person raving about SBI.

Click here to read the Site Build It success stories

Email the site owners if you wish. Unlike many testimonials, SBI's are authentic.  They are from real people making real money with their first web site.  Many of them have no prior web site creation experience.  You can also email specific questions to SBI users by going to the following link:

If you haven't figured it out yet.....this tool works.  Never have I seen so many success stories come from one company's website. I guarantee you won't find a better solution for creating your business website.  Learn more about SBI here.

Read Their Guarantee!

Just in case you need more proof of how great this tool is, make sure you check out the SBI guarantee.  I always say that a company is only as good as it's guarantee. :) After all, you are brand new to all this and the folks over at SiteSell understand that.

Trying SBI for your website is a no-risk offer.  If at any time you want to cancel because it's not for you, then by all means just ask for a refund.  You'll get it in full, minus all the hassle.

Read the SiteSell guarantee and the letter from the president, Ken Evoy.

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